Martial Arts Classes

NeeHi Ninjas Classes

Our NeeHi Ninja classes are a fun way of introducing 4 and 5 year olds to Karate. We have previously taught the NeeHi Ninja classes at several of the local schools as an after school club (including Lace Hill, Bourton Meadow, George Grenville, Padbury and Maids Moreton). Students classes are currently held on Sunday mornings (9am to 9.30am) at Lace Hill sports centre, term times only.

Places are strictly limited, so please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and to book your child in. For new students the first month is completely free. After this initial first 4 week free course, classes will cost around £30 for a typical 6 week course, (running school term times only). Children can wear loose clothing, our NeeHi T-shirts (£10) or full uniforms (karategi) are available (at around £23.50). Once children reach the age of 5 they will be able to transfer to our children and family classes. To book your child in we simply need their full name, date of birth and an emergency mobile phone number and address. Please also let us know of any medical conditions that we should be made aware of.

"Isaac loves attending the NeeHi Ninja classes on a Sunday. He said that his favourite part is playing a game and that the Sensai's are nice and friendly. He said he enjoys going to stay healthy. I feel that the class is the right mixture of discipline and structure and fun and games which is so important for children of this age! Isaac and myself have always felt welcomed when we go and it's the first time Isaac has felt comfortable to take part in a class by himself. We have recommended the classes to his classmates at school!
The free trial classes have also been a fantastic way of settling Isaac into Karate without too much pressure of paying for classes up front and him not enjoying it. We did the free trial classes and then signed up straight away for the next term. I feel that they are affordable which is not always the case for classes like these"......Rhyannon M

Contact Us

Call/text Sensei Julie on 07944 572672 or Sensei Adrian on 07970 687403